

Anti-wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections are an incredibly effective way to hold back the signs of ageing. They work by relaxing the finer muscle movements causing the skin to appear softer and smoother.
The advanced techniques that we use are safe, effective and all carried out by a professional dentist who has been administering injections for over 20 years. We specialize in a natural look: fresher, not frozen.
Susie is happy to do a free of charge consultation for anyone  interested in anti-wrinkle treatment. Using her medical knowledge and experience gained from being a dentist and an aesthetics practitioner,  a safe and effective treatment can be ensured.
Treatment Areas (see examples on 'About' page)
* Frown
* Forehead
* Crow's Feet
How long does the treatment take?
Usually around 10 minutes.A consultation for new customers will take around 45 minutes.
What happens during the treatment?
Tiny injections are placed very superficially in the correct muscle areas.
Does it hurt?
We use only the smallest needles available so most people don't even experience mild discomfort.
How long does it take to work?
You will usually start to notice a difference after 3-4 days but it will take up to 2 weeks for optimum effect to take place.
How long does the effect last?
Usually 3-4 months. But can last up to 6 months.
I'm nervous about having it for the first time...
That's perfectly natural.You can always start with a small amount and have it topped up a few weeks later at no extra charge.
Will I wake up in the morning and look completely different?
The effect is gradual and not usually noticeable for a few days.
Will anyone notice, straight after the treatment, that I've had it done?
No, you may get tiny red dots or bumps at the injection sites, these disappear after 20-30 minutes. 
Is the treatment suitable for men?
Yes, we have an ever growing number of male clients.
Should I avoid anything after treatment?
We advise that for 24 hours after treatment you should avoid vigorous exercise, extreme temperatures (sauna/steamroom), and alcohol.
How much does the treatment cost?
£150 for 1 or 2 areas
£150-£200 for 3 areas (depending on amount used)

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Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a safe, effective way to brighten the enamel on your teeth and improve your smile.
All teeth whitening is carried out professionally by a fully qualified dentist.
Why whiten teeth?
There are many reasons why people get their teeth whitened. Some people have naturally darker teeth, while others may notice their teeth discolouring as they get older. Teeth may also become stained through habits such as drinking tea, coffee and red wine, or through smoking.
You will have an initial consultation to assess suitability for the procedure. If suitable, the dentist will take impressions of your teeth. These will be sent off and used to make bespoke whitening trays/mouthguards which will fit your teeth exactly.
At the second visit you will receive the bespoke trays and whitening gels, along with instructions on how to use them. The trays can either be worn overnight or for a few hours during the daytime.
How long does it take?
After 2-3 weeks of wearing the trays every other day, your teeth will become progressively lighter.
How long does it last?
The results can last up to 3 years, but if you notice your teeth darkening again, you can purchase a top-up gel (£15). New trays would not need to be made.
Are there any side effects?
The main side effect is increased sensitivity. This is always temporary and should only last 24 hours. It can be rectified by using desensitizing toothpaste (eg. Sensodyne).
Other less common side effects include sore throat, discomfort of the gums, white patches on the gum line. These effects are very rare and are always temporary.
How much does it cost?
The total cost for everything is £180. You can keep your personal whitening trays and use use them in the future for any top-ups.
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